Water desalination devices, in which the pump plays an important role, are an innovative solution for converting salt water into drinkable water. In the following, we will look at industrial and domestic desalination pumps and see what points we should consider when buying.
What causes salt water to become sweet?

You might have wondered how salt water (well water, seawater, or sewage water) becomes fresh water before reading about the desalination pump. To answer this question, you should first learn a little about smoothies. To understand the state of osmosis, consider the state of a sieve or filter. When you sieve or filter something, you allow grains of a specific size to pass through the holes and pores of your sieve or filter, while grains larger than standard will remain behind your filter. Reverse osmosis accomplishes this. Here, you force dissolved water (salt, mineral elements, and other compounds in the water) through a semi-permeable filter (semi-permeable membranes) with pores the size of water molecules. This allows only water molecules (freshwater) to pass through the pores while other compounds remain behind your osmosis filter. This method is widely used worldwide, and the desalination pump plays a vital role in the process. The following video demonstrates the principles of this method:
Note: The name “reverse osmosis” comes from the fact that in regular osmosis, water molecules pass through the semi-permeable membrane filter and enter the composition. There is no need for any pressure here, and everything occurs independently.
How does a desalination pump function?
Now that we’ve covered the fundamentals, we can look at how desalination pumps work. An electric motor and various mechanisms are utilized in these pumps to raise the pressure of the combined liquid (salt water, sewage, or saline water). When the water pressure reaches around 50 psi, our combined liquid penetrates the semi-permeable layer, and the water purification process starts. Before accessing this pump, our combined liquid may have traveled through many filtering layers, such as sand layers, activated carbon, or other filters that absorb solutes. This operation improves the speed and quality of freshwater preparation. The desalination pump might be small enough to be used at home. Each day, these pumps sweeten around 5 cubic meters of water. This pump is employed in camps, distant places, and even cities with poor water quality. The Iranian towns of Qom, Kerman, and Ahvaz have exceptionally salty and high-salt water, whose quality is not acceptable even after regular treatment. As a result, they employ water softeners. Home desalination pumps may be the size of a parking lot or larger or smaller.
Purchase a desalination pump
The most crucial factor to consider when looking for a salt water pump is the material. Because sodium is a chemical that eats away at the metal, the pump must be made of the following:
- Steel
- Bronze
- Duplex
Abarvan Company, a manufacturer of various industrial pumps, is ready to offer desalination pumps made of the materials stated. Abarvan items come with an 18-month guarantee and a 10-year after-sales service.
Purchase a desalination pump
As previously said, these sorts of pumps are manufactured in various sizes and shapes. That is why their prices vary. For pricing questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at:
No. 223, Azadi St., 1st floor, after Khosh, Tehran 02166938814 و 02166435453 و 02166924294 و 3-02166573504
Desalination pumps for industry
The industrial desalination pump serves a similar purpose to what has been said so far, with the exception that the amount of desalination is higher and the purification and filtration processes are performed in larger dimensions for it. Industrial desalination pumps may be massive (as in Saudi Arabia and the UAE) or modest (like some of the activities done in Kish and the southern cities of Iran). Industrial desalination produces more desalination volume and is often utilized to convert sea salt water to potable water. Of course, it is often used to convert salt water into fresh water for agricultural reasons, which must consider economic efficiency, energy consumption, and the volume of water gained. Industrial desalination pumps are employed as a fundamental method to turn sea salt water into drinking water in specific cargo and passenger ships, as well as some recreational, military and even port facilities.
Is the method described above the only way to prepare drinking water?
Reverse osmosis technology is a quick and low-cost approach for producing a considerable volume of drinking water. However, there are other options. Solar energy is an easy way to generate electricity. A primary solar desalination plant is shown in the image below. Saltwater is poured on the left side of the glass, and when heated, it evaporates and flows toward the drinking water tank in the top half of the glass.

Another method is to use a centrifuge. The working method is that the water circulates at a high speed with the help of centrifugal pumps. In this method, the heavier solutes move towards the edge of the centrifuge and the lighter water is placed in the center. This method requires high power for the centrifuges. The chemical absorption method is the fourth solution in which chemicals or electric current are used to absorb water molecules. This method also has its own requirements.
Is it economical to use a desalination pump?

Is it cost-effective to utilize a water softener with a pump, you may be wondering? In response, we must provide a two-step reaction.
- In the first step, we must state that contemporary water desalination pumps, both industrial and household, can supply us with drinking water at a reasonable cost (compared to digging wells and aqueducts and extracting water). Industrial water desalination is a good and affordable option for coastal areas and places where wastewater can be cleaned and desalinated.
- To answer this issue in the second phase, we must state that, after acquiring drinking water, how we manage and utilize water impacts whether our effort is economically justifiable. This part of the question is about something other than how to get clean, drinkable water. Instead, it’s about how to take care of and use it.
Frequently Asked Questions
- What pumps are appropriate for desalination devices?
Because sodium is corrosive, the pump should be built of steel, bronze, or duplex.
- Where can I obtain a desalination pump?
Contact Abarvan if you want to buy this product with a 10-year warranty and an 18-month guarantee.